Metasploit is one of the greatest Hacking tools ever. It makes the hacking easy for the Script Kiddies (new hackers). But Question comes How to use it to hack a computer?
Metasploit Framework comes in command-line as well as GUI version. This article will deal with the command-line version. Followings are the basic commands of Metasploit that you should Learn by Heart.
1: help (show the commands.)
2: show info XXXX (to show the information on specified XXXX value, that is can be exploit or payload)
3: show options ( to show the options for a exploit and payload. Like RHOST, LHOST)
4: show exploits/payloads (to get a list of exploits/payloads)
5: use XXXX (to select the name of the exploit.)
6: set XXXX (to set the value of RHOST, LHOST or payload)
7: exploit (to launch a exploit on targeted machine.)
Note: To hack a computer using Metasploit first you should have the enough information of the target including
1: IP address
2: Open Ports
3: services running
4: Version of software running
All of these need a little work. A famous tool to do all of these is NMAP on which I have written some articles.
Now the first step is choosing a right exploit for the vulnerabilities in the machine. To determine the exploit for the attack you need all the things noted above. For example the computer is running a SMTP server on Port 25 and there is a exploit on it than you hack that computer.
To choose an exploit following command is there:
Use [exploits address . e.g. Exploit/windows/smtp/xxx. ]
Now you need a payload (payload is a piece of program that will be executed if vulnerability is exploited). To get a list of all the payloads available for the exploit Just type following command.
Show payloads
Now choose an appropriate a payload from it. The only thing left is to set the fields for the attack. List of Most Probable fields to be set is given bellow.
RHOST = The IP address of the computer to be attacked.
RPORT = The Port of the service to exploited (it set by default)
LHOST = The IP address of your computer (it set by default)
LPORT = The default port of your Metasploit program (it set by default)
Now the Last step is to type the following command and Launch attack to the computer.
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