Easy Web Animatoxr 3 enables you to create Flash animations quickly and easily.
Severals new function have been added to this version.
New Function
1. Flip animation creation A function for creation of flip animations similary to the real animation creation process has been incorporated.
For example, you can create materials such as eye blinks and subtle movements, which are difficult to create with existing Flash creation software.
2. Substantial upgrades to the drawing function
Substantial upgrades have been made to the drawing function using the Bezier curve, Bucket tool, and Eye dropper tool.
Drawing pad, a useful tool for material creation, has also been incorporated.
3. Added new backgrounds material for videos
New background material for videos give a professional look to animations.
4. User-friendly interface
Significants change have been made to the user interface.
A more user-friendly interface has been implementing by focusing on various aspects, such as image capture and the new timeline operation, which enables you to create Flash movies smoothly according to your work process.
Other Functions
Easy Web Animation simplifies the animation creation process. We have eliminated unnecessary buttons, and the minimum number of buttons required for use is presented in a simple layout.
Various special animation effects have been added
It’s easy to create movies with rich animation effects.
Carefully selected animations provide various useful movements at your fingertips.
Useful function for blog posting
This is a function to create HTML/XHTML code for users who want to post a Flash movie to their blog.
A wizard allows you to quickly create a digital photo album.
With an easy-to-use wizard, you can create a digital photo album effortlessly for events such as your wedding and each stage of your kids' growth.
In addition to the usual digital photo wizard, there is a new slideshow wizard, which automatically shows digital images one by one in a slideshow. Using these functions, you can easily make videos from your digital image library.
Pasting videos
This software enables you to easily paste videos to your homepage.
* Flash videos can be pasted in FLV format.
* Streaming is not supported.
Other formats for video file output
You can output to WMV format and QuickTime format to upload your Flash video to YouTube, Nico Nico Douga, and other video-sharing websites, or to use with commercial DVD creation software.
* This software does not support voice output. Please use commercial video editing software.
Format for Mobile phones
You can output Flash movies to the FlashLite1.1 format, which is supported by almost all mobile phones. You can also easily change the operation settings using numeric keys.
Wide-variety of high-quality sample materials
More than 1,000 sample materials are provided to help you create your animations.
Easy upload for public viewing
You can easily upload your Flash movies to the free web service *Kanfoo - Flash Animations and Games Sharing Community . The uploaded movies can be pasted to your blog or homepage easily to make them public. You can also lock them so they are viewable only by specified users.
* What is Kanfoo?
This is a free website where anyone can share Flash movies.
"The minimum amount of required buttons are presented in a simple layout. There are no longer any confusing buttons needed to create your animation. Even a beginner can easily create a Flash movie. Without knowledge of ActionScript, an original interactive flash animation can be made in minutes. Included much effect and parts. FLV Support.Digital Photo Album wizard, and other Templates included. " [CNET] [CNET]
All of Flash files in this site are created using Easy Web Animator.
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